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4 al 6 de Octubre de 2023

El VII Festival Internacional de Percusión UIS 2023, es un evento académico que pretende dar a conocer un contenido artístico de alto nivel profesional, sumado a propuestas de conciertos didácticos y música de cámara  a una población específica que no haya tenido la oportunidad de presenciar este tipo de propuestas, por lo anterior, se realizarán conciertos, principalmente de música sinfónica y música de cámara sumado a folclor colombiano, latinoamericano y de otros países.


Este evento convoca de manera gratuita a pedagogos, intérpretes, compositores e investigadores en un espacio de intercambio, debate y aprendizaje colaborativo, donde el principal elemento de mediación en esta propuesta musical es el ritmo, que con un instrumento generalmente desconocido, le permite al público intervenir de una manera directa con cada una de las propuestas musicales


En el marco del festival de percusión participaron los artistas:

Cuarteto Alma Mater ( Costa Rica ), Dúo Lienzo ( Venezuela ), 

Leo Parra (Colombia), David Nacar (Colombia),   Jhon Ciro (Colombia) y  Ensamble percusión UIS,

Programación General

October 26th to 28th, 2022
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The VI International Percussion Festival UIS 2022, is an academic event that aims to present an artistic content of high professional level, coupled with proposals for educational concerts to a specific population that has not had the opportunity to witness this type of proposals, therefore, concerts will be held, mainly symphonic music added to Colombian, Latin American and other countries folklore, transmitted in the so-called hybrid mode with alternation.


This event brings together, free of charge, educators, performers, composers and researchers in a space for exchange, debate and collaborative learning, where the main element of mediation in this musical proposal is rhythm, which with a generally unknown instrument, allows the public to intervene in a direct way with each of the musical proposals.


The following artists participated in the percussion festival: 

Juan Alamo (Puerto Rico), Leo Parra and Jose Ocampo (Colombia),

Carlos Areiza (Colombia), Gerardo Crespo (Venezuela), Leandro Pascui (Brazil), Daniel Figueredo and Juan Carlos Figueredo (Venezuela), Mike Townsend (Canada), Eric Willie (USA), Israel Moreno (Mexico), David Nacar (Colombia), Cheo Cárdenas (Venezuela), Michael Guzmán (Colombia), Dúo Y (China - Taiwan), Carlos Orozco (Colombia), Emsamble percusión UIS, Ensamble de percusión SAETA, Ensamble Afrocolombiano EMA and Macondo UIS. 

General Programming

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October 26th to 28th, 2021

The V International Percussion Festival in Bucaramanga, arises from the need to continue generating a new proposal in the musical and artistic field in the city. This year it was carried out entirely in virtual and face-to-face modality. The proposal was led by Jhon Eduard Ciro (director of the festival and professor of percussion at the UIS) and with the logistical support of the members of the different research groups of the School of Music and the students of the percussion department of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. 

The realization of the V International Percussion Festival - UIS, materialized in master classes, workshops, recitals and concerts, along with the presentation of ensembles of different styles, all of them in person but also transmitted live in its entirety by the social networks of the International Percussion Festival UIS. 


The following artists participated in the V Percussion Festival: Rossana Bribó (Italy), Juan Guillermo Aguilar - Cosito (Colombia), Juan Álamo (USA), Carlos Areiza (Colombia), Iván Manzanilla (Mexico), Mathew Lau (Hong Kong), Roberto Camargo (Colombia), Ensamble Afrocolombiano EMA, Escuadrón XXIII Drum & Bugle Corps, Estudiantes UIS, Ensamble de Percusión UIS, Ensamble de Percusión SAETA, among others.

Schedule of activities


Closing Concert

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November 5th to 7th, 2020
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The IV International Percussion Festival in Bucaramanga, in VIRTUAL mode, arises from the need to continue generating a new proposal in the musical and artistic field in the city. This year it was entirely virtual. The proposal was led by Jhon Eduard Ciro (director of the festival and professor of percussion at the UIS) and with the logistical support of the members of the different research groups of the School of Music and the students of the percussion department of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. 

The realization of the IV International Percussion Festival - UIS, was materialized in master classes previously planned in this virtual modality, workshops, recitals and concerts, along with the presentation of ensembles of different styles.


The following artists participated in the IV Percussion Festival: Eriko Daimo (Japan), Pius Cheung (Hong Kong), Emmanuel Sejourné (France), Andy Harnsberger (USA), Vassilena Serafimova (Bulgaria), Mark Ford (USA), Therese Ng (Hong Kong), Eric and Rebecca Willie (USA), Pañuelo Rojo (Mexico), and from Colombia: Diego Galé, Dúo ASAF, Ensamble de percusión Filarmed, Tamborimba, among others.

Schedule of activities


International Guests

Therese Ng 

Eriko Daimo y Pius Cheung 

Lenin Camacho, Luis Equino y Alexander Cruz 

Pañuelo Rojo 

Andy Harnsberger 
Massilena Serafimova

Eric Willie y Rebecca Willie 

Legal Wood Project 

Live Raffle

Live broadcasting

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September 18 to 20, 2019

The III International Percussion Festival in Bucaramanga, arose from the need to generate a new proposal in the musical and artistic field in the city. The proposal was led by Jhon Eduard Ciro (director of the festival and professor of percussion at the UIS), with the logistical support of the members of the different research groups of the School of Music and the students of the percussion department of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. 

The realization of the III International Percussion Festival - UIS, materialized in master classes, workshops, recitals and concerts, along with the presentation of ensembles of different styles.


The following artists participated in the percussion festival: Naoko Takada (Japan), Tulam Dúo (Spain), Juan de Jesús Pérez (Venezuela), and from Colombia: Andrés Arenas, Daniel Criado, Ensamble de percusión SAETA, Ensamble de percusión UIS, among others.

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September 18 to 21, 2018

The II International Percussion Festival in Bucaramanga, arises from the need to generate a new proposal in the musical and artistic field in the city. The proposal was led by Jhon Eduard Ciro (director of the festival and professor of percussion at the UIS) in the framework of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Universidad Industrial de Santander and with the logistical support of the members of the different research groups of the School of Music and the students of the percussion department of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. 

The realization of the II International Percussion Festival - UIS, materialized in master classes, workshops, recitals and concerts, along with the presentation of ensembles of different styles.


The following artists participated in the percussion festival: Filippo Lattanzi (Italy), Sergei Golovko (Australia), Juan de Jesús Pérez (Venezuela), and from Colombia: Henry Quitora, Dúo ASAF, Ensamble de percusión SAETA, among others.

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November 16th to 19th, 2016

The 1st International Percussion Festival in Bucaramanga, arose from the need to generate a new proposal in the musical and artistic field in the city. The proposal was led by Jhon Eduard Ciro (director of the festival and professor of percussion at the UIS) in agreement with the Department of Music of the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, the Municipal Institute of Culture and Tourism of Bucaramanga and with the logistical support of the students of the chair of percussion at the Universidad Industrial de Santander. 


The realization of the 1st International Percussion Festival in Bucaramanga took the form of master classes, workshops, recitals and concerts, along with the presentation of ensembles of different styles.


The following artists participated in the percussion festival: Keiko Kotoku (Japan-Mexico), Alexander Cruz (Mexico), and from Colombia: Gabriela Rojas, Uriel Marín, Henrry Quitora, Humberto Valencia, Leonardo Parra, Dúo ASAF, Ensamble de Percusión SAETA, among others.

Captura de pantalla 2018-11-07 a la(s) 1
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