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The Al Ritmo del Reciclaje percussion ensemble is a musical proposal focused on interpreting music with recycled material and transmitting a message of environmental awareness to those who have the opportunity to enjoy their concerts.


The idea arose in 1999 after the unfortunate earthquake experienced in 1999 in the city of Armenia Quindío, where several people met to propose ideas to try to overcome this situation emotionally and that is how the proposal to perform a concert with Those rubble left by the accident was one of the alternatives "I remember very well when the director of the musical project, Tita Maya, asked me to perform a concert with material that had been left behind. It was from there that I summoned my percussion students from back then and we went out to get elements in the streets, garbage cans etc and that's how we began the selection and categorization by sounds, the next step was the construction of the instruments and finally the assembly of the rhythms for our first presentation".

Since 1999 and up to the present, Jhon Ciro has kept the idea of continuing to work with recycled material carrying a message of environmental awareness and conservation of the environment, likewise, looking for new sonorities and exploring with new proposals, such is the case of the "Concierto for Recycled Percussion and Orchestra" composed by Jhon Ciro and premiered by his student Bladimir Carrillo in March 2014.  

Concerto for recycled percussion and orchestra
UIS Facts Report
Santanderean Peasant
UIS Facts Report
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